Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Winners Of The 'Game On' Open Web Gaming Competition Already Announces By Mozilla

Mozilla's Game On competition came to an end and it's time to meet the winners. Though there were plenty of entries, the jury ended up with several games which excelled in one particular aspect and one that was deemed best overall. They each have their strengths and weaknesses, but all have one thing in common, they're a lot of fun. 

The Game On competition is run by the Mozilla Labs Gaming initiative which encourages games built with open web tools and based on open technologies.

The first edition of the Game On competition has now ended, after several months of submissions and a few weeks of review, and the winners have been announced.

The best overall game is MARBLE RUN, a game in which you have to design the longest marble run you can within the limited space and with the blocks available to you.

The interesting part is that, while the game offers an individual experience, the overall goal is to tie together all of the designs to create the largest marble run in existence.

The best technology award went to Far7, a space MMORPG. It makes heavy use of HTML5, specifically the Canvas element, SVG for animations, and WebSockets for communications, you couldn't ask for a more complete showcase of what modern web technologies can do.

Mozilla's judges have also chosen winners in the Best Aesthetics, Most Original, Most Polished and Most Fun Categories. You can check out the winners' gallery here.

The community award went to Z-Type, a very original and addictive game that has proven quite popular lately. So popular in fact that so many users played it for so long they uncovered a critical security flaw in Google Chrome, which has been fixed in the latest stable release.

All the winners took home quite a few prizes, but perhaps the exposure they got from being picked by Mozilla was the biggest prize of all. As for those looking to kill a few minutes, or a few hours, they'll probably find something they like among the winners or even among the other submissions.


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